Friday, December 12, 2008

Electric Guitar: Natural Harmonic Licks

Occasionally it is hard to rate the difficulty of certain exercises in articles. Determining a lesson's level of playability can be based on a guitarist's personal level of proficiency on the instrument and also their individual taste for playing techniques. If a guitar player likes to play certain things, even if they are more difficult than other "topics," they will be more apt to practice them and won't consider them difficult, even if they are moreso than others, because the guitarist simply enjoys practicing them. Is it clear what I'm trying to say? Another point to remember is that gradually a guitarist's favorite topics will become easier to play as they are performed over the years, etc.

The following exercises could probably be dubbed 'beginner' or 'intermediate' level concerning their difficulty. This article, as you can see from the title, is about natural harmonics. These are different from artificial harmonics where the thumb of one's picking hand is used to attain high-pitched notes (more about the artificial kind of harmonics in another article). Natural harmonics are not fretted in the normal way and can only be played at certain locations.

Try this: To play a natural harmonic, pick your open G string after you have lightly touched the string directly above the 5th fret, without pushing the string all the way down against the fretboard. If a tone higher than your open G string rings out clearly, then you have just executed a natural harmonic and congratulations are in order. Most guitarists have probably played a few natural harmonics before reading this article, I'm sure, since they are quite common. For natural harmonics, basically you simply lay your finger over certain frets and pluck the string without pressing down. Easy enough.

Natural harmonics can be played across these frets, which are called "nodes" on the strings:

4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th,

read more here:

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